Resources: Docs


What is a Language Processing Unit?

Energy Efficiency with the Groq LPU™, AI Inference Technology

Real-time Inference for the Real World: Vectorize

Real-time Inference for the Real World: Athena Intelligence

Inference Speed Is the Key To Unleashing AI’s Potential

Bringing Speed to Mission with the Groq™ LPU Inference Engine

Inference Deployment of Large Language Models

Tech Docs & Case Studies

Technical Papers

US Army Report: Groq and Entanglement Cybersecurity Anomaly and Outlier Detection Validation

Answer Fast: Accelerating BERT on the Tensor Streaming Processor

Spec Sheets

Product Spec Sheet – GroqChip™ Processor

Product Spec Sheet – GroqCard™ Accelerator

Product Spec Sheet – GroqRack™ Compute Cluster


From the Cave to the Customer – Lessons from My First 100 Days at Groq – Download

Talent, Locations, and Being Different. Groq’s Growth Success

Groq Accelerates COVID Drug Discovery 333x Versus Legacy Solutions

Groq Attracts Industry Best from Fortune 500 Companies and Beyond

Groq Fuels Talent Growth Beyond Expectations

Hold my FPGA: GroqChip takes the Cake for LSTM