
Groq is on a mission to set the standard for GenAI inference speed, helping real-time AI applications come to life today.

Developers / Support

Please contact us either through our Discord Community or use the chat feature on Console.

Enterprise Customers

Please go to our Enterprise Access page and complete the short form there and a Groqster will reach out to you shortly.
You can also use the chat feature on our main webpages, located in the bottom right corner, and someone will response shortly.

Press / Media / Analysts

Groq is available to provide speakers from our various teams for events, interviews, and more. Please reach out for press and media opportunities at

Please provide the following: 

  • Key topic or theme
  • Information about your outlet
  • A window of time schedule that you would want to record
  • Any specific Groqster you would like to involve
Social Media

Groq is active on the following social outlets

Twitter – Where we share the most up to the moment information with our community of developers and beyond.

LinkedIn – Where we connect with the business community

YouTube – Our video content showcasing demos, features, and progress of Groq

Instagram – Our lifestyle channel featuring the amazing and talented humans of Groq.

You can find us at:
Groq Headquarters

301 Castro St., Suite 200
Mountain View, CA 94041

Mailing address

P.O. Box 1778
Mountain View, CA 94042